So You Want To Start A Lolita Blog?

While this isn't from my backlog of Ask Miss Caro-chan questions, it is a question I have been asked a lot. That question is: how do you go about starting a Lolita blog? I've had this blog for over a year, and if I do say so myself, it has been pretty successful, at least, a whole lot more successful than I ever thought it would be when I started! So with this post I will be sharing a few tips and tricks that I picked up along the way.

Before you make your first post
There's really not a whole lot of prep you have to do before you make your first post, but there are a couple things that really help.
  • First of all, you're going to need a blog name. Now, judging from my own blog's name, I don't really have a lot of tips for picking a good name! But toss some ideas around in your head and try to pick something both fitting and something that isn't already taken. Do a Google search for your future blog name to make sure that there isn't anything else with that name.
  • Make a list of blog posts you would like to make. You don't even have to have any idea about what you want to write in those posts, just do some brainstorming about what it is you would like to write about, or even what you would like to read about. I do this every month or so, I don't always follow my list, but it's really handy to pull up whenever I'm a bit lost about what to write about.
  • Set up your blog. Before you even make your first post, you're going to need somewhere to put it! I use Blogger and I would highly recommend it. Personally, it has everything I think I could ever need. Wordpress is also a popular choice, but I have never used it. Some people use Livejournal, but honestly I wouldn't suggest it for a public blog because Livejournal is seen much more as a personal journal site, and some people are hesitant about reading other people's Livejournals.

Tips and tricks for starting your own Lolita blog
Once you have a name, a place, and some ideas for your blog once it's time to get started!
  • Comment on other blogs. The best way to get your blog's name out there is to comment on other blogs. Remember to fill out the whole form box, especially the one for your site before leaving a comment. And, of course, leave a genuine comment about the post you are commenting on, don't just ask them to visit your blog or spam their blog with obnoxious self-promotion.
  • Link to other blogs. Be sure to keep a blog roll of all your favorites on your own blog. Blogger has a handy widget that will automatically post all the blogs you follow. As well as that, link to other blogs in your posts if you found them helpful while writing yours, or if you just think they are interesting. Remember that these other bloggers aren't your competition, they're your peers, readers, and muses.
  • Be active in your online community. In the case of Lolita, that would be EGL or whatever forum you happen to frequent most of all. Post a link to your blog on your profile page or your signature and start participating in discussions. Eventually, so long as you don't make a habit of arguing with everyone for the sake of arguing, people will start recognizing your name, and your blog.
  • Be helpful. My main reason for starting F Yeah Lolita was because I have learned a lot about Lolita over the years and I really wanted to share all the things I've learned, and this, I think, has been one of the biggest reasons why my blog has been successful. I most often find that my most linked and talked about posts are ones in which I share some kind of advice or tips. Even if you consider yourself a Lolita newbie, there's still something helpful you can share! Maybe a handy tutorial for making something cuter, a review of your latest purchase, or a cute Lolita find in a mainstream store, share your knowledge of the frills and people will really appreciate it and come back looking for more.
  • Don't get too personal. Of course, it is up to you how personal you want your blog to be, but a good rule of thumb would be to avoid treating your blog like your own personal diary. People might love looking at your daily coordinates and hearing about local meetups, but most people are going to feel awkward and shy away if you start ranting about your boyfriend or parents or any problems you might be having. If you feel you absolutely have to type up these things, consider a separate, lockable place to write them up, such as Livejournal.
  • Post often. A rule I certainly need to follow more! Make it a point to post at least once a week, it keeps people remembering your blog if it pops up on their blog roll frequently. If you need some motivation to post more, draw up a list of what to post on what days. For example you might post a tutorial or a link to a tutorial on Mondays, a review of something on Tuesdays, a great find on Wednesdays, a personal reflection on Thursday, and your weeks worth of coordinates on Friday, or something along those lines!
  • Get some Analytics. Google Analytics is a really handy tool to know where your hits are coming from. You can find out who's linking you, how long people are staying, and which posts people are reading most of all. It's easy to install and very useful for knowing what your most popular pages are.
  • Just enjoy blogging! My final tip is to just enjoy blogging, don't make it a chore. Try not to focus too much on how many hits and comments you are getting, just focus on blogging about what you love!
Personally, I don't think there can be too many Lolita blogs. Everyone has their own take on the fashion and their own experiences to share so the subject never gets old.

If you want some more advice about starting a Lolita Blog, especially advice that goes a little more indepth about the whole blogging world and finding your place in it, check out Miss Lumpy's series Operation LoliBlog.

To all my fellow Lolita bloggers, how has Lolita blogging been for you? Do you have any tips and tricks for getting your blog's name out there? Do you think that one particular thing, such as getting linked on a particular blog or site, was the start of getting a lot of hits? Are you simply thinking of starting your own blog, if so, what's holding you back?

To the right of this post you can find a list of a lot of Lolita blogs that I've been following for a while, but I know there are a lot of new blogs out there, and I would love to feature them in this post. So if any of you have a new blog, leave a comment with a link to it and I'll make a list of up-and-coming Lolita blogs and link them at the end of this post!

Up-and-coming Lolita blogs


  1. These are great tips! I think a really important one is the 'don't get too personal' one, and that applies to any blog really. I was recently going around reading new blogs and I did come across one that had a post that was like an open love letter to their boyfriend... it was a really, really sweet post but it seemed so personal. The fact is that people reading your blog are unlikely to know you, so it's a really uncomfortable position to put them in. I mean seeing close friends being sappy in love is awkward enough already, let alone seeing complete strangers! So while it's ok to comment on how life probably isn't going well because you're fighting with your boyfriend or whatever, there is a limit to how personal you can get before it gets awkward for your readers. That one is definitely a big one :).

  2. This is great, Caro. I love this. I forget sometimes that blogging isn't about hits or comments and it ends up discouraging me. Then I end up doing something worth blogging about or needing to post a GET which reminds me of why I started in the first place; for myself. I reduced the amount of personal business going into it, but it's still on a level, that I feel that can connect to others. :]

  3. "Post often."

    Indeed. Oh, how I do fail. 2 months ago? Double Dare was 2 months ago? I really need to translate something soon. Or at least post pictures or a sewing post or something...

  4. I wrote an article about lolita blogging a loooong time ago, but I've always wanted to talk more about it - ways people can improve their lolita blogs, etc. Maybe I'll give it a go!

    I mentioned interveiwing you on it a few months back but you must not have remembered me. Thanks for the bit at the end.

  6. I remember (XD I follow your blog) I haven't heard back from you about it. If you're still interested let me know and I'll give you my email address.

  7. Did you!? How long ago? I must have missed it. I would love to do a more indepth follow up to this post sometime myself, but if you've already gone there I can just add a link to it!

  8. I'm not really into the gothic subset of lolita, but here's an idea for a blog name: Demonic Ugly (take off on Angelic Pretty). Dunno if someone's already used it tho'.

    I hope to create a lolita blog someday, but that might not happen soon, as I'm
    a) new to lolita
    b) not coming up with many topics to write about.

    I guess I'll collect ideas and maybe someday make a blog. :)

  9. Caro darling, you're helping me find the love in Ramble Rori again.

  10. Never mind, I've come up with a lot more ideas over the past day, lol.

    I guess I'm not that new to Lolita; it's just that I took a big break from it a few months ago... it was terrible.

  11. This was great, very helpful. Thank you very much for posting! Even though I've had my blog for a couple months, I don't have many posts.

  12. I just started a blog last night so this was very interesting reading. I didn't realize how important a blog roll was so I thank you for that.

  13. Well, I'm making a step in the right direction by posting here I guess. My blog isn't 100% lolita but I have made my first posts about it, since I love it so much. I would like to start up a blog dedicated to lolita someday, but I think I should learn more about it first. ^^"

  14. These are great tips! I think a really important one is the 'don't get too personal' one, and that applies to any blog really. I was recently going around reading new blogs and I did come across one that had a post that was like an open love letter to their boyfriend... it was a really, really sweet post but it seemed so personal. The fact is that people reading your blog are unlikely to know you, so it's a really uncomfortable position to put them in. I mean seeing close friends being sappy in love is awkward enough already, let alone seeing complete strangers! So while it's ok to comment on how life probably isn't going well because you're fighting with your boyfriend or whatever, there is a limit to how personal you can get before it gets awkward for your readers. That one is definitely a big one :).

  15. This is all great advice ^ ^ I'm trying to get my blog off the ground here myself. I'm happy to be two followers short of 25 and consider that a nice milestone. I may try to do a little contest at that point ^ ^ I know you've been following me for a while and for that I'd like to say thank you ^ ^

    If you'd like to add my blog to your list, I'd be quite grateful ^ ^

  16. Great tips, thank you for posting this! I agree with what you've written here, I really think the too personal one is big. I don't follow blogs filled with diary-like posts because it seems awkward and intrusive. Plus I don't often awful as that sounds.

    I've been keeping a blog for a few months and I really enjoy writing for it. One of the hardest things for me was coming up with a name, I just had no idea what to call it!

  17. This is great, Caro. I love this. I forget sometimes that blogging isn't about hits or comments and it ends up discouraging me. Then I end up doing something worth blogging about or needing to post a GET which reminds me of why I started in the first place; for myself. I reduced the amount of personal business going into it, but it's still on a level, that I feel that can connect to others. :]

  18. I has a blog.:3 I'm more of a reader than a commenter typically, and I just like to write, so If someone takes the time to read my nonsense that's great if not that fine too! Thank you very much for the tips.

  19. I'm usually too chicken to post a comment on your entries, but I think this had some great advice I can follow. I never have been the one to advertise, but somehow people "found me" and have so far enjoyed my posts. I've made it to a nice number of 22 followers, and I had never thought I would have gotten so far so fast. I am actually glad I started blogging for once.
    I might be changing the name of it soon, since I am no longer a Newbie Lolita.

  20. I have a lolita blog too and I have had it for a while already. I mostly write in finnish (because it's my native language and all of my readers are finnish), but well there is lots of pictures and if I get international readers, I would write more in english too :D

  21. If you don't mind, could you add me to the blog list please? It is mainly me giving my opinion on things, reviews etc. It would be a great help. Thank you :)

  22. I have a Gothic Lolita's actually difficult to find Lolita topics to post about while maintaining a strictly Gothic vibe. I admit I stray a bit now and then, but meh. It happens.

    Thanks for the great advice though. I'll utilize some of these tips!

  23. I have a new blog!

    Well, it's not quite new, considering that it's been up since summer, but it's definitely not established yet. It's called Naissance du Loilita (the name may or may not change), and it's basically a documentation of my entry into Lolita world. I would love it if you linked to it!

    Thank you for making an entry on how to start a Lolita blog. I've been trying to do everything on the list, but right now, I'm having a problem with posting every week (too much schoolwork- yikes!). It's something I need to get back into.

  24. "Post often."

    Indeed. Oh, how I do fail. 2 months ago? Double Dare was 2 months ago? I really need to translate something soon. Or at least post pictures or a sewing post or something...

  25. Those were some very interesting tips. I love reading interesting blogs. I find them a great source of information, especialy on lolita fashion. I recently started a lolita blog myself here:

    I try to keep it informative and decent ^_^

    EGL is a good way to make your blog know to other lolitas indeed. It helped me a lot,

    Also thank you for listing all the up-coming lolita blogs, I cant get enough of them

  26. I wrote an article about lolita blogging a loooong time ago, but I've always wanted to talk more about it - ways people can improve their lolita blogs, etc. Maybe I'll give it a go!

  27. Thanks for the advice! I need to post more often, that's for sure. In fact, maybe I'll go do that right now... :D For me, probably the start of getting way more followers was that huge bloglist of lolita blogs on EGL, awhile back.

    I'll check out those links--I think a couple of them I haven't heart of before (exciting!). I'd be honored if you might add my blog to the list. It's been up since May, but in lolita of course you tend to stay "new" for a lot longer lol.

    I mentioned interveiwing you on it a few months back but you must not have remembered me. Thanks for the bit at the end.

  29. I remember (XD I follow your blog) I haven't heard back from you about it. If you're still interested let me know and I'll give you my email address.

  30. Did you!? How long ago? I must have missed it. I would love to do a more indepth follow up to this post sometime myself, but if you've already gone there I can just add a link to it!

  31. Lol, April of 2009 XD; So I'm not surprised you didn't see it. Here's the link:

    I really want to do a short series about it someday - ways to find new content, branding, philosophical reasons why sharing is caring, etc. I might actually have to get on that one of these days XD;

  32. I'm not really into the gothic subset of lolita, but here's an idea for a blog name: Demonic Ugly (take off on Angelic Pretty). Dunno if someone's already used it tho'.

    I hope to create a lolita blog someday, but that might not happen soon, as I'm
    a) new to lolita
    b) not coming up with many topics to write about.

    I guess I'll collect ideas and maybe someday make a blog. :)

  33. Caro darling, you're helping me find the love in Ramble Rori again.

  34. I often find other people's blogs (like yours) by going through other people's blog rolls, so it's always good to have one. I love lolita blogs. If anything, there needs to be moarrr!

    & Oh dear, I definitely need to post more often! My blog's been up since the summer, but I doubt anyone knows it exists!

    It's called Fairy Chaos.

  35. I just started my blog :D
    only have an intro post up so far
    it'll be mostly of lolita, I promise ^.^

  36. My new blog is called The Velveteen Lolita, and it's

    It's about being a Lolita, and is going to have book/fairy tale reviews, an around-the-world Lolita fashion series, and, of course, articles about Lolita fashion and lifestyle.

    It's very new, but hopefully it'll turn out to be a good (and popular, lol) blog.

  37. Never mind, I've come up with a lot more ideas over the past day, lol.

    I guess I'm not that new to Lolita; it's just that I took a big break from it a few months ago... it was terrible.

  38. Thanks for the starting tips!

    Oh yeah, my blog:

  39. thanks for sharing these helpful tips! I have just started my Lolita blog too... not so many girls from this side of the world blogs about Lolita. :( but anyway, thanks for all these help! ^_^

  40. ♥Thank you very much for posting This. It's difficult finding helpful tutorials for getting more traffic to your blogs. Also the picture is adorable!♥

  41. I know it's not good to get " too personal " but I do have a question though. I'm going to start my own blog soon after watching yours for some time and it has given me inspiration to start my own!! I was a big fan of your blog actually for years O.O. But it was very interesting to read though and very helpful. I've seen/read a lot of lolita blogs that are strictly lolita related such as pretty pictures and the like ( i love them though. ), but I was wondering perhaps a blog could still be lolita but look at the inner reality of lolitas. Like, every lolita has a story to why the frills, things like that. This blog would be like the daily struggles and to help other fellow lolitas with problems. But also doing reviews,recommendations, how-tos, and things like that that way it doesn't turn into a Dr. Phil like thing. ><. Still, I was wondering though.Do post more...your blog is quite lovely.

  42. Thanks for making such a wonderful post and n ow I've started my own blog!~

  43. Hello Miss Caro-chan~ It's nice to meet you! This is my first time reading one of your posts, and I must say, I love it! It's nice to see how many people enjoy Lolita so much, and how Lolitas (generally) treat fellow Lolitas kindly. I was sad to see how many "up-coming" Lolita bloggers had disappeared already. But hopefully there will be a new bunch to start their blogs! ^-^ Your post was very helpful, and very fancy~ I hope to read some more of your posts!

    1. I completely forgot to let you know, if you're making a new list of up-coming Lolita blogs, I'd love to be added to it!

      Thanks for providing the list to us! It's always difficult to find new blogs out there. The internet is too big for me.

  44. Hi. This is a very helpful post considering there are only a small amount of Lolita blogs out there. I've started my own Lolita blog

  45. Im hoping to really get going with this blog, if you wouldn't mind adding it to your list

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