
Lolita Glossary

Lolita's sometimes seem to have a language of their own! If you're confused by our abbreviations and silly words, this might clear some things up. 
  • A&P- The new abbreviation for Baby's pirate themed line, Alice and the Pirates. I don't know why Baby decided to use this new abbreviation, as now it just looks like people are saying "Angelic Pretty", A&P is also a grocery store :(
  • AatP- Short for Alice and the Pirates, Baby's pirate themed line of clothes.
  • AH- Short for Anna House, a Chinese Lolita brand.
  • Alice Bow- A bow worn on the head, it can be any size so long as it's not tiny. Named after Alice, of Wonderland fame, because she is often depicted as wearing a bow on her head. Picture. Example "An alice bow would finish that outfit much more nicely than a hat would."
  • Ama-Lolita- Another, more Japanese, way of saying Sweet Lolita, the term is not used very often. Example "I used to have a closet full of Ama-Lolita, but now my style has changed to Gothic."
  • AP-Short for Angelic Pretty, a Japanese Lolita brand.
  • Bibles/GLB/Gothic & Lolita Bible- The name of a Japanese fashion magazine. We don't actually treat it as our bible, that's just the title. In conversation the "and" is often dropped from the title, which sometimes leads people to believe that everything in the magazine is "Gothic Lolita", when, in fact, it showcases both "Gothic AND Lolita" clothing. Examples "I saw that dress in GLB #32 and I fell in love with it!" "I looked through all the Bibles I have but I can't find many pictures of Lolitas with red hair."
  • Brand/Burando- "Brand" is used in reference to the big name Japanese Lolita brands such as Baby The Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty, and Metamorphose. Brand is often synonymous with good quality and expensive. "Burando" is the way the word is pronounced in Japan, Lolita's often use "burando" in place of "brand" to be sarcastic or silly. Examples: "I was so happy when she thought my dress was brand, because I sewed it myself." "OMG I almost spilled a whole pot of chili on my burando D:"
  • Brolita- A male who participates in the Lolita fashion by wearing the girl styles, not necessarily something like Kodona. Mana is an example of a famous Brolita. Example: "I couldn't believe the Lolita in the pink dress at last weeks meetup was a Brolita, he was so pretty!"
  • BtSSB/Baby- Short for Baby, The Stars Shine Bright, a Japanese Lolita brand. Named after the 1986 album by the UK band Everything But The Girl. Yes, the same band that sang the 90's hit Missing.
  • Cutsew/Cutsaw- "Cutsew" is the proper term, "cutsaw" is how it's often misspelled on brand websites. An article of clothing made out of thicker tee-shirt material, often much cheaper than other brand items. The "traditional" cutsew is a square necked tee shirt with puffy sleeves, lace details, and a Lolita print on it, but cutsews can be any other kind of shirt as well as hoodies, cardigans, or even dresses and skirts. Cutsews are often used to make an outfit a little more casual than normal. Cutsew does not imply that it is some kind of do-it-yourself kit, as some people assume that it does. Picture. Example "I need an off-white cutsew to go with my new skirt because I don't want my outfit to look too formal"
  • EGL- Actually stands for "Elegant Gothic Lolita" but is usually just used in reference to the name of the main Lolita livejournal community. Back in the day, when EGL was started, "Elegant Gothic Lolita" or "EGL" was synonymous with "Lolita" in the West. This is no longer true about the phrase. "Elegant Gothic Lolita" is rarely ever used, even in reference to Gothic Lolitas. Example "EGL has been boring lately, it's all just Bodyline questions and stock photo requests."
  • Fukubukuro- The Japanese word for "Lucky Pack". A term also not often used. Example "All the Fukubukuros from last year really were a disappointment, so I won't be getting one this year."
  • Gosurori- How Gothic Lolita is apparently pronounced in Japan. Used to be an acceptable synonym for "Lolita", but is just considered silly now. It is also the name of a Japanese magazine that contains patterns for making Lolita clothes.
  • Head Eating Bow- A really large bow worn on the head, so large it often overtakes the whole head. The tails of the bow are often worn very low, so that they are reaching halfway down the bangs, so it kind of looks like the bow is eating your head. Picture.. Example "I styled my hair with a lot of hairspray and curls, and now I need the perfect head eating bow to go on top."
  • Ita- A term used to describe an outfit or a person that is trying to be Lolita, but failing somehow, usually mightily. In Japan "ita" means "ouch" as in it hurts the eyes to look at one. Example "I was such an Ita when I got into Lolita, but I'm better at it now."
  • ITS- Short for In The Starlight, an American Lolita brand. They have since closed shop.
  • IW- Short for Innocent World, a Japanese Lolita brand.
  • JSK/Jumper Skirt- A sleeveless dress, designed to be worn over a blouse. Picture. Example "I finally got a pink JSK."
  • Kachuusha- A headband, usually with a big bow attached. A rarely used term. Picture. Example "I am trying to find a kachuusha in the perfect shade of blue to match my dress".
  • Lolify- To make something more Lolita looking. Examples "I'm going to lolify my jacket by sewing some lace to it." "I need some new curtains and bedsheets to lolify my boring room."
  • Loliable- Something that is not made to be Lolita, but can easily be worn with a Lolita outfit. Example "I found this puffy sleeved loliable blouse at Target!" 
  • Lucky Pack- A grab bag type of sale that Lolita brands often have. Contents could either be a randomly colored dress made specially for the Lucky Pack, or it could be the years left over sale goods. Lucky packs are usually sold very cheaply, for around $100usd, and you typically get a whole outfits worth of stuff. But you have no idea what you are going to get, it could very well be incredibly ugly or not fit. Example "My favorite lucky pack of the year was Meta's, because I got something in a color I actually wear."
  • Meta- Short for Metamorphose, a Japanese Lolita brand. Their full name is actually Manifesteange Metamorphose temps de fille.
  • MmM- Short for Moi-même-Moitié, a Japanese Lolita brand owned by Mana, or Malice Mizer fame. 
  • Mook- A word used in Japan to pretty much mean "magazine book", in reference to very thick, book-like magazines. The Gothic & Lolita Bibles are mooks. A term that is only used occasionally, because, well, it sounds kind of stupid. Example "I wish there was more variety in the Lolita mooks"
  • Off Brand- A piece that is not from with a big name Japanese brand, a seamstress, or a lesser Lolita brand. Example: "My shoes are some offbrand ones I got for my birthday."
  • OP/One Piece- A dress with sleeves that is meant to be worn on it's own. Picture. Example "I like the OP version of that dress better because it looks more elegant"
  • OTT- "Over the top" used to refer to an outfit that is very detailed and elaborate. Usually in reference to Sweet Lolita that includes a lot of accessories and a huge pastel wig. Example "I can never pull of OTT Sweet because I just don't have enough matching accessories"
  • Petticoat- An underskirt made out of chiffon or tulle that is used to fluff up your skirt to get a bell shaped silhouette. Tulle petticoats are known to deflate with use, meaning they get less puffy. This is often solved by wearing multiple petticoats. Picture. Example "My new petticoat came yesterday but it got deflated in the mail."
  • Race-  It just means lace. In some Japanese Lolita publications, and many official Lolita brand websites "lace" is often misspelled as "race". It's funny, so Lolitas will sometimes say "race" to be goofy. Example "I like my new jacket, but it needs more race to match my new AP skirt"
  • Rori/Rorita- Lolita is often pronounced, or even misspelled as "Rorita" in Japan. A few "purists", who are fully capable of pronouncing L's will call Lolita "Rorita", but it's seen as a silly thing to do. Most Lolita's will say "Rorita" to be silly. Example "I need more rorita, but I am broke :("
  • Shoop/Shop- Meaning Photoshop. As in using Photoshop to edit pictures of yourself until they are as blurry as the recent pictures of Mana are. Generally something that is frowned upon as it is seen as vain. Examples "I like her outfit, but I wish she wouldn't shop her face into oblivion"
  • VM- Short for Victorian Maiden, a Japanese Lolita brand.