
F Yeah Lolita Team

F Yeah Lolita is growing! We're adding blogging affiliates and guest bloggers to offer a wider range of topics and event coverage from Lolita enthusiasts from all walks of life!


Caro started F Yeah Lolita in the summer of 2009, because she needed a place to ramble about the fashion she was so obsessed with. She loves Gothic Lolita and Old School Lolita and has a growing collection of decade plus old dresses. Outside of Lolita she collects vintage sci-fi books and ceramic planters shaped like religious figures.

F Yeah Lolita founder since 2009


Mis is a long-time lolita fashion aficionado, amateur seamstress, and intermittent blogger at She accumulates brand, BJDs, and miniature perfume bottles like a magpie with overly expensive tastes.

F Yeah Lolita contributor since 2014