
Lolita Blog Carnival: If I Had A Lolita Themed Cafe...

This week's Lolita Blog Carnival was one I was really looking forwards to! This week's topic is...
If I had my own Lolita cafe...

Ok, so my graphic is worded a little bit differently than the actual topic because I managed to completely forget the name of this week's theme as soon as I opened up Photoshop, but they say about the same thing!

If I had my own Lolita themed cafe, the theme would be a bit of a mix between Classic and Gothic. Think the deep jewel tones with some hints of dusty pastels and lots of antiqued gilt of Classic, but with some of the more morbid motifs of Gothic.The cafe itself would have a couple separate areas to it, but would generally be small and cozy, but with enough room to get around in petticoats!

The main area would be the actual cafe. It would contain about half a dozen round bistro tables with fancy cast iron legs and a dark wood table top and similarly designed chairs. There would be a small Victorian styled sofa or love seat off to one wall, upholstered in a jewel toned velvet or brocade and would be decorated in a way that practically screamed "This is the perfect place to take our outfit shots!". It would be, of course, a very well lit sofa. The walls would be papered in dark Victorian styled wallpaper and sprinkled heavily with art and prints from girly pop surreal artists and a few antique photos and prints thrown in for good measure.
There would be a small boutique area as well! It would mostly stock indie brand pieces, ranging from unique jewelry to accessories to even dresses and skirts. The smaller pieces would be mostly under a glass display case, or arranged artfully on the counter, while the clothing items would be hung up on a round clothes rack with a half-dress makers dummy decked out in on top of it.

The menu would feature gourmet teas and coffee and would include some thematically appropriate blends, like the kind of teas offered by Grey Brews. Besides tea and coffee the cafe would offer a rotating menu of small pastries and other treats that go well with tea and coffee. To take a cue from the EGL Comm's blog about this topic, food and drinks would be served in dainty, but miss-matched, tea cups and saucers.

The waitresses outfits in the Lolita Cafe
The staff would, of course, wear matching uniforms! I've always loved the button-on aprons and this particular Maxicimam set is perfect! The black bows on the front and extra details and buttons on the apron of it make it a little less pure Sweet Lolita than Angelic Pretty's more popular version of this type of dress and apron. To Gothic it up a little more, it would be paired with black shoes, these particular harlequin socks, and Antique Beasts famous bat/cat maid headdress. The outfit would be further sprinkled through with red accessories, each waitress adding her own personal touch in this way. Bloomers are an absolute must in this case! 

Want to see more hypothetical Lolita themed cafes? Check out the rest of the participating blogs! And while you're at it, click the tent above to check out the LBC's Facebook page.


  1. Oh my goodness this is perfect. *A* The uniform, the idea, everything!!!

  2. If you had free wi-fi I would LIVE in your cafe.

  3. Sounds like a great little place..too bad it doesn't exist.

  4. I love this idea! Thinking of a Lolita cafe, I only got so far as a pastel sweet-lolita paradise, but I love the idea of a classic/gothic cafe!

    Also, the well-lit place for outfit shots is definitely a nice touch. If I ever get to open my own boutique, I'm definitely keeping that in mind!

    I love your idea of lolita cafe, I would spend a lot of time here for sure!

  6. Everything about this is wonderful! I love the uniforms sooooooooooo much! You would have to drag me out of the cafe.

  7. I can totally imagine sitting on the sofa in your café and reading a book and forgetting the time <3

  8. I would love to work in your cafe. <3

  9. omg id love to make a daily visit to your café <3

    oh and i looooooooove your blogdesign soo muuch!

  10. im actually dreaming of building a chain of Lolita cafes all around the world ^-^ idk what i would name it yet but ill figure it out soon<3 my plan is to study at the Culinary Institute of America and figure out the rest while im there lol

  11. This should totally be a reality! I'd make this place an after school hangout for myself and friends! The idea sounds lovely!

  12. The only problem I see is the miss-matched cups and saucers.
